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Tips for Career Planning at Any Age or Career Stage 
How to change your career path

Career planning is one of those things we do every day without even thinking about it. We go to school, graduate, find a job, and stick with it for many years. But what happens when life throws us curveballs? What if our jobs aren't working out anymore? Or maybe we're bored with our current position. How do we ensure we don't get stuck in a rut? Career planning is something everyone needs to do at some point in their lives. And while there are plenty of resources online to help you figure out where you want to go next, it's still hard to know exactly what you want to do once you've found that perfect job. To help you plan, here are four steps to take when changing your career path.

1. Figure Out Your Personality Type

Determining your personality type is the first step to choosing a career that fits you best. This isn't always easy, but knowing your personality type can give you insight into what jobs might suit you. If you're introverted, you'll probably enjoy being a librarian or teacher. If you're extroverted, you might enjoy sales or marketing. Knowing your personality type can also help you understand why certain jobs appeal to you. For example, if you like helping people, becoming a nurse could be a great choice. On the flip side, if you hate talking to strangers, perhaps law enforcement is not the right field for you.

2. Identify Your Interests

Once you know your personality type, it's time to identify your interests. These are the activities you love doing outside of work. Maybe you love reading books, playing video games, or watching movies. Whatever your passions are, write down everything you think of. You never know when inspiration will strike.

3. Find Work Related Value

Now that you know what you'd like to do, it's time to look for ways to apply those skills. Do you have experience writing resumes? Can you speak Spanish? Are you passionate about photography? There are tons of different opportunities out there, so start looking around. Once you've identified areas you can contribute, you can narrow your list of potential employers.
1. Take a personal inventory
Start a journal to reflect on what you want out of life. Write down everything you think about yourself. What do you value most? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What are your goals? How do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?

Take an inventory of your skills and abilities. Think about what you like doing best. Do you enjoy writing, cooking, painting, sports, reading, volunteering, etc.? If you don't know where to start, ask friends and family members how they perceive you. They'll tell you things you never knew about yourself.

Reflect on your successes and failures, too. You might find it helpful to write down every accomplishment you've ever had. When did you graduate high school? Did you win a scholarship? Were you valedictorian? Were you the president of your class? What else?

Think about the people you admire. Who inspires you? Why? What makes them special?

2. Make a list of your values"

What are your core beliefs? Your morals? Your principles? What do you stand for? What do you believe in?

Make a list of your skills and talents. What do you love doing? What are your passions? What are your hobbies? What do you excel at?
2. Decide if you want to change industries
If you’re looking to make a career change, there are several things you need to consider. First, decide what type of work you like best. Are you interested in working for yourself or prefer being part of a team? Do you enjoy writing, designing, marketing, or managing others? Once you know what you enjoy most, consider whether it pays well enough to support your lifestyle. If you don’t mind working long hours, you might find that certain industries pay better than others. For example, some jobs require travel, while others are based locally. You can check out our list of the highest-paying careers here.

Once you know what job you want, look up the average salaries in different industries. This way, you can see if switching industries is worth it financially. Some people choose to start in one industry and move to another later down the road. Others take a leap of faith and try something completely new. Either way, it’s important to remember that changing industries isn’t easy. You’ll likely face challenges along the way, such as learning new skills, making friends in a new environment, and adapting to new office culture. But if you stick with it, you could find a great career path.
3. Brainstorm careers
Brainstorming careers helps you identify what type of work suits you best. You can do it alone or with a friend or relative.

Ask friends or family members who are close to you about their jobs. They might have an insight into a career path that fits your skills and personality.

Seek out career counseling if you find yourself feeling stuck in your current position or if you're unsure about where to go next. A counselor can help you figure out how to make changes in your life that align with your goals.
4. Research potential job matches
Informational interviewing is an effective way to determine what’s next for you. This interview technique involves asking questions about the person’s career path and interests. You might ask about their current role, plans, and even what they like most about their work. By learning about someone’s professional goals, you can determine whether there are opportunities for growth within your organization.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics offers a free online tool called CareerOneStop that helps people explore different careers based on their skills and interests. Using the site, you can see what jobs are expected to grow the most over the coming decade. To use it, enter your location and select one of the following categories: Business & Financial Operations; Computer Science & Information Technology; Engineering & Architecture; Healthcare; Legal Services; Life Sciences; Management; Marketing; Public Administration; Social Assistance; Teaching; Transportation & Logistics; and Other.

You can also browse by state to see where the highest-paying jobs are. For example, according to the site, the states with the highest average salaries include New York ($90K), California ($80K), Washington DC ($75K), Massachusetts ($70K), Texas ($65K), Illinois ($60K), Florida ($55K), Pennsylvania ($50K), and Ohio ($45K).

To learn more about informational interviews, check out our guide here.
5. Make an action plan
If you're looking to make a career change, knowing what you want out of your next role is important. You'll need to decide where you'd like to work, how much money you want to earn, and whether you want to move across industries. Once you've figured out those things, you'll need to put together a detailed action plan. Here are five steps to help you do just that.

1. Define your goals

Before you start planning, you need to figure out exactly what you want from a new position. What does success look like? How much money do you want to earn? Do you want to work full-time or part-time? And most importantly, why do you want to make a career change? These questions will help you determine what job you want and skills you need to succeed.

2. Determine your strengths and weaknesses

Once you know what you want, you'll need to consider your strengths and weaknesses. This step helps you identify areas where you could use improvement. For example, if you're interested in becoming a writer, you might consider taking some classes in writing or editing. If you're interested in working in sales, you might take marketing or public speaking courses.

3. Set up a timeline

You'll need to set a timeframe for yourself. Think about how many months you want to spend studying, how many weeks you want to dedicate to networking, and how many days you want to devote to finding a job. Remember that you won't necessarily find a perfect fit immediately; you may need to try several different jobs before you land one that works well for you.
Changing Your Career Development with Technology
Technology can help you to improve yourself professionally. You can use it to gain new skills, acquire new knowledge, and even change your career path. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

1. Learn About New Technologies

You don’t have to wait for someone else to tell you what technologies exist. Instead, look up information online. Read blogs, watch videos, and listen to podcasts. This way, you can learn about the latest trends and developments in technology.

2. Use Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram allow you to connect with people worldwide. These networks provide great opportunities to network, build relationships, and learn about new ideas.

3. Join Online Communities

Online communities are groups of people who discuss topics related to technology. They often offer free training sessions, workshops, and webinars. Joining one of these communities could give you access to useful resources and advice.
What is career planning?

Career planning involves assessing your values, skills, interests, strengths, weaknesses, and passions. You might want to consider what type of work best fits your personality, talents, and goals. This process includes self-reflection and assessment. If you are looking for guidance, there are many resources out there. Here are some ideas:

• Take a look at our list of free online career tests.

• Check out our list of books about careers.

• Read up on leadership, management, teamwork, communication, and sales topics.

• Attend workshops and classes offered by local colleges and universities.

• Consider taking part in professional development programs.

• Look into internships and volunteer opportunities.
Do you have to be at a certain age to plan your career?

Career planning is about looking back at where you are now and what you want to do next. It’s about looking at your skills and interests and figuring out how those translate into opportunities. And it’s about thinking about the future and deciding whether you want to work full-time or part-time, freelance or corporate, or even start your own business.

There is no one right age to begin planning a career. But there are some things you can do starting young to help prepare yourself for the future. Here are five tips for getting started:

1. Get involved in school activities.

2. Take advantage of internships.

3. Find mentors who can guide you.

4. Build relationships with people who can provide advice.

5. Keep learning.
Why career planning is important for businesses

Career planning is an investment in the future of your company. When you invest in your people, it pays off in dividends down the road. A recent study found that companies with well-developed career plans had lower turnover rates. One survey showed that employees who felt they had a clear path toward success were less likely to leave the company. And having a formal career planning process helps ensure everyone knows what the company values and how those values align with individual goals.
What employers should know about career planning

Career planning is an essential part of any company's culture. If employees are engaged and happy, they'll be productive and loyal. And companies that invest in their people will see growth.

In fact, according to Gallup research, "employees who feel valued will be highly engaged and committed." In addition, "those who feel valued will be happier, healthier, more productive, and less likely to leave."

So what does it take to make sure that every employee feels valued? Here are five things that employers should consider:

1. Create a Culture of Valued People

Employers must understand that creating a culture where everyone feels valued begins with leadership. Leaders set the tone for the rest of the team. They model behaviors that encourage others to value themselves. When leaders demonstrate respect for one another, they show how important each person is to the group's success. This creates a positive environment where people want to work hard because they're proud of the company they work for.

2. Provide Opportunities for Growth

People don't always like change. But they'll embrace opportunities to learn and grow if they feel valued. Companies that offer training programs mentoring, coaching, and professional development help employees develop skills and knowledge that lead to greater job satisfaction and increased productivity.